Waapas - Back to school

We are identifying kids who have dropped out of school due to various reasons and trying to bring them back to school. This is mostly being done through our network of friends and families.

​So far, more than 100 kids have been identified and are being helped through this program in kind or through fee payment enabled by generous donations.
Our methodology
​​ 1. We conduct focused drives to collect relevant materials, clean and store them
2. Choose an institution where the material will be of assistance after talking to them about their needs​​
​3. A group of 8-10 members visits the institution, spends time with the kids there and distributes the material

You can donate any of these items:

-Stationery: Pencils, Erasers, geometry boxes,slates
​-Copies, register, notebooks, textbooks, sketch pens
-School bags, school uniforms, shoes, pens 
-Drawing materials: Chart paper, crayons, paintbrush, colours, colour pencils

People Positive is a social, non-profit organisation which aims to increase the socio-economic awareness in the country by aiding and helping the education of under-privileged children through books, stationary, toys and other similar resources obtained through schools and institutions, societies and corporations, friends and well wishers. People Positive is a charitable trust and has been formed by a group of  young professionals, teachers, students and entrepreneurs based in India and USA.